Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And so it begins

So I feel like things are really going to start in earnest this week. I'm attending the PMBR lectures again and the first one is tonight. I do recall them being a bit boring, but I thought it was helpful so it can't hurt to do it again.

I've been listening to the PMBR cd's as I ride the metro to/from work and do recall a fair amount of the information I've been hearing. It will be interesting to see how I score on the PMBR questions each day for the next six days. Yesterday I took the diagnostic quiz in the Jeff Adachi book "MBE Survival Kit" and got 8/14. I also did 10 torts questions (easy level) on the BarBri StudySmart software (since torts is the first PMBR topic during the 6-day) and got 7/10. That was a good start.

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